About me

Graphic Designer / FullStack Developer

Khoa Nguyen is a software engineer and graphic designer in Hanoi, Vietnam. He enjoys building software with Reactjs, Nextjs, typing safe code with Typescript or dealing with algorithms and data structures.

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Hi, I'm Khoa Nguyen, nice to meet you!

As a Graphic Designer and a Full Stack Developer, I started my career as a freelancer at Facebook and Glints. After experiencing a lot by working independently, I've decided to take part in a new direction. That's how I've been leading my professional path in the last five years alongside talented people on both agency and client sides.

I'm highly motivated when translating the business objectives - and challenges - into a robust, consistent, and valuable digital endeavor. I'm at my best when involved from briefing to planning, brand to demand, optimization to evaluation.

If you have any question, email or dm me from Facebook! Have a nice day!

Best regard!

Khoa Nguyen

Eat - Code - Sleep .